How MSM Models Work
The 6-step path to international recruitment
vet the agent network, and on ground activities in your chosen foreign markets.

Local culture and knowledge.

Agent Network

for qualified leads

Back Office
rallying behind you

via clear-cut methods, measurable outcomes

international education
MSM’s unique models are performance-based, risk-free, and transparent in operations using proven practices we have mastered over years.

Enrollment Services,
Cape Breton University

University of the West England

Frequently Asked Questions
We represent our partner institutions with dedicated and professional staff on the ground. Our marketing and admissions teams work with agents in the same way that institution staff do: training, supporting, and motivating them. The difference is we are in-country every day, making us accessible to agents and their counselors.
MSM does this on a performance basis. Meaning, there is no financial risk to the institution. We take the risks and only get paid when students apply and are on campus studying.
Our model of institution support involves:
- A large global agent network, all scrupulously screened, supported, and set up to meet targets. We are present full-time, speaking their language and working in their time zones.
- 100% financial transparency, where all agent payments come directly from institutions, not through MSM, and all student tuition and fees go directly to institutions, not through us.
- An established marketing and digital marketing team to ensure that every partner is well-branded and quickly recognized in the market.
- An exceptionally high level of market intelligence, rooted in our global size and reach, all shared with our partner institutions.
- A customer-centric mindset where customers are the number one priority, to which our partner institutions can readily attest.
Diversity is of growing importance to higher education institutions (HEIs). MSM team is present in 21 countries, including India, the Indian subcontinent, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. We manage a student recruitment network which is spread across 75+ countries. This enables us to present a huge pool of prospects to our partner institutions and convert them into enrollment numbers.
MSM specializes in student recruitment. We serve our partner institutions through multiple models. We have a SaaS-enabled platform ( where students and agents can search and apply to institutions for select programs. They can also avail of other related services such as accommodation, internships, employability skills, etc.
We also work with agents to promote a large number of institutions in the brick and mortar world.
And through our Global & In-Country Offices (GMO), we represent institutions to agents on the ground and provide value-added services such as marketing, branding, social media application, pre-screening, study permit follow-ups, and pre-departure briefings. We work with agents to support their businesses, recruiting students, helping them save time and money, as well as achieving new efficiencies and growth.
MSM is there to extend your reach in the source markets. This is our value proposition: you do not need to hire or contract with anyone else to effectively tap into any market around the world.
We are very flexible to help you achieve your goals. If you have an existing team or network of agents in the target market, we can still work on models to help you acheive your targets.
MSM will act as your recruitment team and is already working in most of the markets that would interest you. We are ready to represent you! We have well-established, carefully vetted procedures for onboarding institutions and getting their brand recognized in new markets. We can do this rapidly and effectively, and without any upfront investment on your part.
Depending on the business model you select, we will have a dedicated team to represent your institution or a shared team to help you meet your numbers.
We use multiple approaches to promote institutions. These include online campaigns and on the ground engagement with agents to push enrollment numbers.
The institutions and programs are listed on MSM Unify, our student marketplace. We also promote the programs through special deals and offers on MSM Unify, through email campaigns and social media.
Our on-ground sales teams develop the agent network. The shared teams go to market as MSM Unify and represent multiple institutions. They are equipped with marketing materials to promote the institutions.
Global and In-Country offices (GMO) have dedicated team for each institution – the only one that will represent them and get trained in their branding – will mobilize their agent network and equip them with high-quality marketing collateral, social media creatives, visibility through school fairs and events, and everything they need to reach the market.
We also take over routine processes to free up our partner’s time and resources: pre-screen all applications off-shore within 24 hours, facilitate offer letters, conduct pre-departure briefings for students and their parents, and vet agent invoices to ensure accuracy. Our commitment goes beyond all these, providing services such as full concierge service for partner’s in-country visits, culture familiarization visits for HEI staff, and more!
Even with available resources, there are very few institutions that can afford to have staff representing them full-time in a large number of target countries. On its own, it will also take an institution at least three years to become effective in any single market. That is a very large upfront investment that will include the typical mistakes made in navigating new markets and their unique operating rules. MSM is already there, has proven success, and is ready with boots on the ground. We can design a model which is appropriate for your unique needs, in the countries of your choice.
For institutions with a limited recruitment budget, MSM is the ideal choice. Although we offer a range of models, most institutions prefer ours as it does not require upfront costs and where service fees paid to MSM are based on performance. In effect, you do not need any international recruitment budget to harness the MSM model.
MSM offers several packages that combine target countries/regions like India and the Indian Subcontinent, or India and Africa. Our global recruitment includes all of our current 75+ markets and growing. Market exceptions will be considered.
MSM’s track record is unmatched in the industry, which makes us an industry trailblazer and a trusted voice. With multiple models, we definitely have something for you at no risk.
MSM Unify, offers you a hybrid, no risk model where you pay only when the students reach your campus.
Global & In-country offices (GMO) is a performance-based model, there is no downside to the partnership. We have worked with many public and private institutions, helping them to become favourites of students considering international education .